Going on Vocation


bet365中文大学是获得本科教育职业网络(NetVUE)职业学院助学金的精选机构之一. 该基金旨在帮助成员学院和大学加强文科与职业准备之间的联系. 这是通过将教师和学生纳入广泛的学术和支持计划来实现的,这些计划加强了该机构的职业探索.

这个机会来自与独立学院理事会(CIC)的合作。. Through this collaboration and funding, bet365中文大学将加深信仰参与中心之间的交集, 本科教育办公室和就业中心通过开发一个名为“继续职业”(GOV)的项目. 政府试图通过与教职员工的合作,建立一个制度化的职业定义. 该计划确定并与所有大学学院和部门分享职业识别的最佳实践,以促进反映职业和召唤理解的机构文化.

高职探究式教学也旨在建立高职探究式教学的实践模式. 从重新设计百级本科通识课程“上帝与人生”开始,将职业探索引入课程,” taught by Dr. Rodney Palmer, chair of the Department of Religion & Biblical Languages. 重组后的课程让学生从基督教和神学的角度理解职业和呼召的概念. 它还通过深入分析他们的个人故事如何帮助学生发现自我, spiritual gifts, talents and strengths correlate with their life, 学习, anticipated professions and civic responsibility. 这些目标将通过完成一份属灵恩赐清单来评估, Strong Interest Inventory and service-学习 activity.

政府项目还使学生能够通过全国大学和雇主协会(NACE)的能力来关注职业识别和职业准备. Joydel Trail, career services advisor, 带领学生通过工具和支持服务的过程,以帮助他们辨别上帝的呼召在他们的生活. In addition to career exploration, the Career Center  provides support for students through networking, mentoring, job internships, externships, fellowships and community engagement across academic disciplines. 教师, 工作人员和校友将有机会担任校园和微型实习主管,或成为学生参与者的主要指导来源. 导师和学生在每一年的开始都要正式了解这个项目及其期望. 因此,学生和校友都将更好地掌握职业准备技能.

bet365中文大学在推广圣经哲学方面有着悠久的历史,即所有的工作都必须为上帝而做. “继续圣召”教导学生,所有的能力都是上帝的恩赐,都要用来为他服务. The team at the Center for Faith Engagement, led by Jose Bourget, University chaplain coordinates chapel and worship services, leadership development, 训练, service projects, 学生宣教和实践的机会,让学生探索神对他们生活的呼召.

NetVUE serves more than 680 independent colleges and universities, including liberal arts, comprehensive, four-year, two-year and international institutions. 

(Original article by Isabella Koh for Campus News)

Benefits for students

  • Provides on-the-job, real-world experience to enhance employability
  • Offers mentorship from professionals
  • Provides an avenue for future opportunities
  • Allows for building of a professional network
  • Potential for financial gain

Benefits for on-campus supervisors

  • 创造机会,以满足未来的全职需要,通过职业准备人才库
  • Attractive incentive for recruitment
  • Enhanced leadership and mentorship skills
  • 参与促进学生体验式学习和职业发展

Program highlights 

  • 指导由全国大学和雇主协会(职业和自我发展)确定的八项职业准备能力, communication, critical thinking, 股本 & inclusion, leadership, professionalism, teamwork, technology)
  • 你的主管对8项职业准备能力的正式评估
  • 官方职业准备报告通过国家认可的评估工具(技能调查). 这份报告将学生的职业准备情况与其他国家的大学生进行了排名. 它可以用在作品集、数字档案和面试中.
  • Access to a career assessment and follow up 训练 session
  • 个人职业指导课程,包括简历准备和模拟面试
  • Program orientation for students and supervisors
  • Access to a speaker series on Vocation and Calling
  • 午餐和学习会议的主题是职业和呼唤教师和员工主管

How to participate

To participate, supervisors must complete the Going on Vocation Application Form. 希望参加的学生可以要求他们的导师提交参加申请. 监事必须同意在整个试验期间参与这一过程. For questions, please email, career@pixelor.net or call (269) 471-6288. Participants are accepted on a cohort basis. The deadline to join the upcoming Fall 2024 cohort is August 2, 2024.

Student Eligibility & Commitment

  • Must be a currently enrolled undergraduate student
  • 必须是在校学生雇员(有薪和无薪职位)
  • 必须有一个明确的直接主管愿意参与该计划,谁已经完成并提交了 Going on Vocation Application Form
  • Must have at least 4 semesters remaining
  • Attendance at a 2-hour orientation
  • 在每个学期结束时通过技能调查完成10分钟的职业准备自我评估
  • 在每个学期结束时与导师一起参加学生评估简报会
  • 每学期参加9小时的专业发展活动

Supervisor Eligibility & Commitment

  • Identification of NACE career readiness competencies for focus of mentorship and development with each student employee
  • Attendance at a 2-hour orientation 
  • 承诺每月20分钟的导师会议(小组或个人)
  • 在每个参与学期结束时,通过SkillSurvey为每位学生员工完成10分钟的学生评估,并向每位学生员工介绍评估结果
  • Completion and submission of the Going on Vocation Application form before the deadline on August 2, 2024.